Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tea Anyone?

It is time for me to get on a soap box. I am sick of taxes, I am sick of 2nd and 3rd generation welfare recipients, I am sick of social programs that are abused. Today I wrote a nice check to cover what what my state feels I still owed them. Is this taxation without representation..NO, but we are loosing the very fabric that made this a great nation. The value of a hard days work and the rewards from doing a job well done are being replaced by a feeling of entitlement.

The Bank, Auto, Airline bailouts are just examples of what this country is becoming. This may be a little Darwinist's, but only the strong should survive. Is capitalism not the very idea that built this country? If the small business person on the corner can't run their business properly should it be the governments duty to bail them out? Hell No. If I max out all my credit cards and can't pay my bills should the government pay my bills? Hell No. If I buy stock and it tanks should the government reimburse my losses? Hell No. So why if a bank makes bad decisions on lending or if an automobile company can not build a competitive product why should the government bail them out? Or in reality why am I paying to bail them out. It is you and I and our children that will be paying this debt, not the companies that are not competitive enough to be successful.

I believe social programs were put in place to help people through a rough patch, not as a way of life. Unemployment is a crutch while you search for a job, not a income base for you to live off of. Welfare is a system to help those in lower income situations survive, not as a financial base and a license to breed.

I believe in helping the less fortunate, I am a charitable person. Forced charity is not what I am about, and that is exactly what is happening in this country everyday in the form of taxation. Isn't 33.5 % of my pay check enough? To put that in better terms I work 4 months or 122 days before I make a dime.

My fear is that we are well on our way to socialism, and really I don't think most people give a damn.

That it for this soapbox, we will tackle gun issues on another blog real soon.