Monday, March 30, 2009

Golf Season is Here.... Houses beware!

Last week I went to Tampa to play golf with one of my friends/customers. We went down with the intention of playing bad golf on a good drunk and boy did we succeed. Flew in on Wednesday, hit the dog track, then hit Hooter's for dinner. You may ask; Why go to Hooter's on vaca? Well we went to the original Hooter's in Clearwater. I look at it like going to the original Starbucks in Seattle, sometimes you just have to see how things get started. Anyway 7 pitchers later we went to a bar and finished the night. Four hours later I am standing on the first tee box wondering if I should kneel down to put my ball on the tee so I don't fall over. We played 36 holes the first day Round one 95, Round two 89. Rust started to fall off at the turn on the second round and I found a swing or sobriety don't remember which. That night we went out drinking at some dive bar in the town we were staying in. It was ladies night, $7 cover for women with all they could drink draft beer and well drinks. If I was a chick I would have been the second skinniest girl in there. Nothing turns me on more than a girl drinking straight from the pitcher. Anyway, we left there after a short period of time to get some sleep. The next day we played another 18, it was a much tighter course with houses on both sides of the fairway with some tight landing areas. I only hit two houses and luckily got great bounces both times. I put a nice dent in one, and I don't know how well solar panels react to golf balls but it really shot my ball back off of the roof and in to the fairway. Shot a 83 on day two, not bad for the fourth round of the year.

This week is spring break in our home town so I am watching Gabby and working from home most of the week. Have a meeting in Nashville and going to the MMA fight the night before with some friends. One of these days I will have a camera to take pictures of whats going on but for now text is all ya get.

Night Night Kiddies

Monday, March 16, 2009

Big Ten is Over!!!!!!!!!

I love basketball as much as the next guy. But 10 games in four days is a lot of basketball. Especially when the real pounding is not the ball on the court, but what happens to my liver from the pounding at the bar. I can handle my fair share, but what a hard few days. I am still filtering vodka out of my system. Katie came in for the weekend and we were able to spend some time together.

The capstone for the event is dinner at Mo's. If you have not gone to Mo's you must take the trip downtown to give it a try. Great steaks, one of the best wine lists in town, and pretty good service. We had 22 customers in for it and I think a great time was had by all. A new dessert was introduced this year. Cookie ala mode, think a big bowl with under cooked cookie and a big scoop of ice cream with hot fudge poured on it. I think one of my guests put it best, every bite is the best orgasm I have ever had! Glad I could accommodate.
Business as usual this week. Then off to golf in Tampa next week.
Take care kiddies!

Daddy's little girl

How fast they grow. This is my new favorite picture of Gabby. Sporting a straw hat and her sun glasses. Hope you enjoy as much as I do!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

To Blog or Not To Blog

I am faced with a decision. To pursue this blog or not. If I only have one person visiting and no followers should I continue to type or am I justifying internal dialog with myself? Am I typing just to hear myself typing? Are there voices in my head or.... you get the point.

I had a laugh out loud moment when I was contemplating the future of this blog on the throne the other day. I thought how funny would it be to have a shit blog? Ya know take a picture of your BM everyday and post that? Do you think that has been done? Would I generate more interest in my incoherent ramblings if I did that?

I make this the watershed moment for my blog. If I don't start generating interest by the end of March, I will make this a BM blog.

Night Night Kiddies

Sunday, March 1, 2009



Auction Weekend

What a weekend it has been, two auctions in two days. Have you ever been to an auction? Why is it that all the stuff you want sells for more than its worth and all the stuff that you don't need sells for dirt. I saw a 20k bedroom set sell for $1100 and an automatic rifle get bid up to 19k and it not make the reserve. The one thing I wanted at the furniture auction was a pub style breakfast table, it sold for $1500. The same table was $1000 at Ashley furniture when we went and looked the other day.

The guns I wanted at the auction all sold for well over what I considered fair market. While I am on the subject I thought we were in a recession or depression or something. How does some hill jack from Bloomington have 20k to bid on a gun? Maybe I need to look into redneck as a profession, it must pay better. Anyone reading this that has an AR15 that they want to sell give me a call.

A lot of other exciting things this weekend. Gabby went potty on her potty for the first and second time today. But I am sure you can read more about that on the family blog. Katie is wonderful, she does so much work around the house and lets me get out and play. She did get to go tan and watch the high school show choir. It was a big sacrifice on my part to let her go to this alone, I am glad she had a good time.

Well that's all for this weekend kids. More fun to come.